Last post was on Dec 6th. A lot has happened in just 18 days. First on Dec 8th I planted 5 types of lettuce seeds indoors under grow lights. So let's first check how they are doing. Four Seasons on the far left 4 rows was the first to germinate after only 2 days … followed closely by Salad Bowl on the right 6 rows. The 4 rows in the middle left are Sunset. Note the difference 9 days make. Still have another 12 days before I transplant the seedlings into the garden. Green Ice and Yugoslavian Red took longer to germinate. I also had to add some more seeds to cells about a week later for which no seedlings had sprouted. It could be that I didn't sprinkle seeds in those cells. It helps if you are far sighted like me after cataract surgery to wear your No 2 readers when sprinkling lettuce seeds while planting. Lettuce seeds are very tiny. I try to get 3 or 4 seeds per cell. That way at least one or two seeds will germinate. I can separate them later after they are planted in the garden. Moving on to the lettuce in the garden … I've had more fun giving lettuce away to neighbors, co-workers, church bible study participants and relatives at the family Christmas celebration. You can see in bed 3 I have picked quite a bit of Salad Bowl (light green) and in bed 4 Antares (reddish oak leaves) & Yugoslavian Red (wider reddish leaves) I really have enjoyed growing the Yugoslavian Red. I also love Green Frills Hybrid which isn't very prolific. It just looks good. See pics below. The Sun King Broccoli is beginning to form heads … they are a bit small this year … suspect I should have added some Miracle Grow every 2 weeks or so to get bigger plants … More focused on the lettuce this year. Lastly, the Ageratum continue to slowly grow out front. The number of purple blooms continues to multiply! Each bloom lasts 3 or four weeks which is nice.
12/6/2018 0 Comments Lettuce Doing Great!Let's check on the 4 beds of lettuce and see how they are doing. This was the first bed of lettuce seedlings planted back on 09-28-18. I've been picking Four Seasons, Salad Bowl, Simpson,Red Salad Bowl & Lollo Rossa for about a month now … and replacing picked lettuce with transplanted seedlings (which were growing in clumps of 3 to 4 plants) from the other lettuce beds. Second bed of lettuce seedlings was planted three weeks later on 10-19-18. I've started to pick Green Ice (dark green) & Lollo Rosa (dark red lettuce from the Loose Leaf Mix). The Salad Bowl (light green) and Red Salad Bowl (light red) is ready to pick now. It's amazing once they finally get going how quickly they grow! Third bed of lettuce seedlings was also planted on 10-19-18. I've been picking Curly Oakleaf (dark green) & Sunset Hybrid (dark red). The Salad Bowl is almost ready to pick. The dark red lettuce varieties don't grow as large or taste as sweet as the green varieties. Fourth bed of lettuce seedlings was planted on 10-21-18. I've started to pick some Antares (light red). The Four Seasons (might be Yugoslavian Red … at least that is what my notes say it is) has a way to go. There is also some Simpson (light green) in the bed.